Ok, everyone, reveal your pets' names, and why. Lets see how much more creative anyone was than Coco

Harvey after Harvey Milk. He is also white.
Martha because i like the name and she turned out to be the matriarch which rather suits her name.
Dayna after Scully. She was originally Edna but John drew the line.

Tilly the Dachshund because it suits her.

Napoli after Naples.

Doris(Dockyard Doris-after a drag queen)

Kevin-because he was called Kamau when I got him, Yuk! I went to call him oned day and Kevin popped out my mouth and he turned and looked so it stuck.

I have had: Michael, Winston(black cat), Norman, Cia(The short name of my 2nd wife from Culver City-full Patricia), Abbey after AbbeyNational Bank and Barcaly after Barclays bank. Brad, Victoria, Asia, Ashara.

By The way, there is well known Apso keennel, Tall Oaks. i assume the same as bred your Sammy.

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