i've never had a dog long enough to think of a name. however, i long ago
decided that when i have a dog i will call it:
1- julia if it's female
2- jimmy mac, if male. i will play the piano (i will have a piano too) and
sing the chorus of jimmy mac when are you coming back, and jimmy mac will
recognize its tune and bark along.
jack is another favorite for my future dog.
breeds i'm considering (in order): labrador, german shepherd, spaniel,
pointer, beagle, golden retriever.
i will have my first dog when i am 48. i will have my first piano a little
sooner, maybe when i'm 45.
which breed is the most intelligent? they say german shepherds. is that
by the way, catherine, i do the same with names. i can't call a person
her/his name just like that. i need to change it beyond recognition. it's
not that i'm friendly or playful. it's more of a pathological thing with me.
it's also because i have a lot of repressed creativity and i need an outlet.
maybe i've been ranting because it's 39 celsius (102F) and the heat and
humidity index is 52 (126F). no power, no air conditioning. i wonder if i'll
die today and never reach 48, thus no dog, either julia or jimmy mac/jack.
no piano either.
wallyK, suggestions on how to deal with this temperature will be

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