I hope I have got the sequnce of these posts right and have managed to cut
out the bits that are unrequired!!!

In Digest No 76....... [EMAIL PROTECTED] whose name I think is Jimmy....
Wrote a reply to colin who had got in first with my thoughts of "who the
hell is Jim Nabors......

 I gathered Jimmmy's post was ajoke but have no idea who Jim Nabors is."
AND JIMMY REPLIED... (with edits applied..)

"Colin, you don't know who Jim Nabors is??????
I'm sure you do, even if you watched tv as a child, I'm sure you saw some of
the US shows. If you still don't know who he is, I'm going to fly over to
the UK and flog
you :~) Jimmy"

YOu have to realise that in the UK, Telly (and for that read BBC followed by
the third programme (ITV) was not buying in to American T.V shows a lot in
the 50's and 60's except for things like "Mr Ed", "Bewitched" and "I love
Lucy" (of course you do.....) Oh and racy childrens stories like.."Champion
the Wonderhorse" and the "Lone Ranger". I used to go next door to watch
these shows... ALSO we did get a huge mumber of american WEsterns....
Laramie, Wagon Train etc.,

Mostly us Brits were brought up on a diet of "terribleh clipt" voices saying
things like "Oh I say, shall we take our gins on the terrace darling"  and
the reply would be something like "Oh topping idea".... I don't know when
Coronation Street started but it was one of the first "SOAPS" and it is
still going!!! (bless!)

I am sorry Jimmy but Jim nabors didn't make it to mainstream English
telly... remember we only had three channels until 20 years ago (unless you
had a sattelite dish and gained the attention of MI5 for possibly being a

We did not have television in our house until  1969 and only got it so that
we could watch the moon landings...sorry I mean the "live from our studio in
down town Burbank we bring you BUZZZZZZZ..... and his friends pretending to
be on the moon....." I think they went but a lot of the photos are studio
shots!!! I digress....

I don't think that US telly bought many Brit shows either at this time, so
you won't have had such classics as "the Brothers" A ripping tale of banking
baddies and boardroom bedlam...with the odd sneaky snog for excitement......
at the time it was being broadcast... So don't feel you have to rush over
here and flog Colin whose dogs are covered in snow at the moment...Porr man
has enough to cope with...

Somehow, I feel we may have NOT lost out by not knowing Jim Nabors.....
GOMER PYLE..... what a name!!!

It is a cold bright day here in England (Oh shades of Garrison Keillor) dogs
to walk and bacon sandwich is calling!!!


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