Colin, I've been reading about the chaos in England. Why does this happen when there's snow over there? Nothing changes when it snows here, and we have very heavy snow six months of the year. I wonder if it's because England's snow is mushier because it doesn't get so cold, and when it thaws and then freezes again, which it must do all the time as you're hovering around zero, it gets very slippery?
it's because the powers that be are complete pratts. no one thought to grit the roads. people were stuck on motorways for 18 hrs!!!!!!

Bizzy Lizzy with her magic daisy was also my favourite, and Andy Pandy and Teddy (I fancied Andy Pandy -- how can that be? but I remember the feeling very well), and I also loved Bill and Ben.

flobbadob, say bill and ben says if you love you'll swallow it

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