My congregation is one of the poor ones -

to the other part of your post that I quote, there was a lot of really bad theology that day, as you aptly observe.

God did not will any of that,

People often use the word God when they mean luck, or circumstance, or happenstance. Who lived and who died that day had nothing to do with God's will, it was merely chance.

People often use the word God when they wish to avoid human responsibility. Human beings contrived every situation that made September 11th possible.



Forgive me, but, following September 11th so many survivors were making comments, thanking God that they survived, but if He /She is so all powerful, and if this is a Our God (Christian) v Their God (Muslim) contest then I'm sorry but they came a poor second and third on that day, the winners on that day were those people who decided that belonging to the human race comes first and foremost, people proffessional and civilian, who without a thought for their own families, their own worth, put their lives on the line to save others. Labels disappeared that day, but sadly some people are bound to put them back, and I'm sorry I can't see how God can be thanked, when people so desperate to live, were raining down from the sky. My eyes are full of tears writing that, what a painful day that was, but why do we give God all the credit, when we should be thanking each other. To say God wanted them to die to be with him in Heaven is just a cop out, I'll live my life as a good human being, and if it's true that unless I accept God into my life, I will not be allowed into heaven when I die, then quite frankly I don't want to go, if he were working for a company he would have been fired by now. Power and Money corrupt, where are there poor churches??

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