--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I had to go to church and sunday school
> as a kid, it was fun in 
> the winter, but once the Sun came out I started
> "Mooching off"  I was 8 years 
> old and I decided I would rather be running around
> in the fields and climbing 
> trees, my mother  tried to get tough, but I never
> went to church again.

A friend of mine used to attend the Church of Tim
Horton. Tim Horton's is a donut shop chain here in
Canada, named for a hockey player (how appropriate is
that?) Anyway this friend of mine would pretend she
was going to church, then stop in at Tim's and hang
out there for an hour or so before going home. I have
to wonder what the rest of her family was doing
though, since it was them she was trying to fool.


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