Just a friendly reminder that it would be really great to have deposits in 
for Jonifest right away if you are planning on being there. I only have 14 
deposits in so far, and as I am personally responsible for filling the entire 
conference center, I am getting a little concerned. Go to:  <A 
for more info.

Also, unfortunately, Sharon Buffington will not be going to Jonifest this 
year, and I need someone to head up the raffle. This is what it entails:

1) Announcing (often) that people should send things to me for the raffle.
2) Arranging the items attractively in the barn early on in the weekend. 
(Preferably on Thursday.) Deciding and dividing them up into regular raffle 
and general giveaways.
3) Selling, selling, selling raffle tickets!!!!!
4) Expediantly and efficiently raffling off of the items.

This year, I want to set up everything in the Barn early on so people can see 
what there is.......and then I want to do the raffling of the items on 
Saturday afternoon before dinner so it doesn't take up time from the 
performances. This job takes someone really organized, and good at 
follow-through. Please e-mail me as soon as possible if you are interested in 
this job.

Thanks and hugs,

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