I am dreadfully behind in my email duties but this caught my eye. I am
wanting and planning to attend again this year to keep my record perfect,
but I have committed to so many other things with the fam and work so I
cannot quite book it yet. In fact I probably can't till after the May season
to know where I stand financially and with the time factor. I DO encourage
anyone who hasn't attended to belly up and do it. You have NOT lived till
you do an Ashara Jonifest and take advantage of all the hard work that goes
into something like this and have a chance to hook up with some of the most
amazing people on the planet. So don't count me out just yet. WHO are the
lucky 19 that have already decided??? My best to you and I hope the war goes
away and so we can all focus on the better things to do in life, like eat
tofu, play music, drink tequila, and have ALL kinds of fun with our friends.



NP-New Dress-Jonatha DVD

> At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I only have 19 people (out of
> the at least 80 expected this year) signed up for Jonifest 2003. I am still
> over $1,000 short of being able to send in the deposit for Full Moon which
> was due on February 1st. I am going to call Full Moon to ask for an
> extension, but at this point, if I don't have at least 20 more deposits by
> February 15th, I will have to seriously think of not doing the Fest this
> year. Please don't procrastinate any longer, and get the deposits to me if
> you are planning on attending. And if you have been to Jonifest in the past
> but know that you will *not* be attending this year, please e-mail me
> privately so I can see if we truly have enough interest to move forward.
> Also, if you are planning on attending and there is no possible way to get
> the deposit to me by February 15th, please e-mail me privately and let me
> know that as well. I really hate to be pulling teeth like this.
> Hugs,
> Ashara

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