Good to see this topic dicussed without anyone throwing the furniture around,
I'm not going to speak for all the Brits, but religion here is pretty well
dead, something like just 3% of the population go to church,
I think this just apllies to the Cof E and RC churches. MANY more people go to other churches.The rise of fundamentalism is strong. Many people go to syaggos(sp), mosques, and toeht places of worship. Spritiualist church serviices are well attended and happen sevrla times everyday all over the country.
Conventional church attendence has dropped dramatically.

Anti American (Western) feelings
which is going to increase whent hisw ar gets going.....

Here you can come from any place in the World or beyond, never pay
a penny into the system, and like the terrorist recently caught, who were
planning to poison as many as they could, you will be housed and given enough
money to buy clothes and spend your days down the pub.
Unfortunately, this sort of thing has been said about immigrnats, legal or not, ever since we had them. it used to the jews, then the black people, then the asians and now evryone else. Sad.


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