Good to see this topic dicussed without anyone throwing the furniture around,
I'm not going to speak for all the Brits, but religion here is pretty well
dead, something like just 3% of the population go to church, and they are
mainly the older folk, maybe hoping to get a seat on that last train.  The
congregation aren't at fault, those within the church are often so far out of
touch with the real World.
Anti American (Western) feelings in the developing World are due to a fear I
think, among Muslim leaders, that education and freedom will weaken their
hold over their people.  Religion involved in politics always leaves a nasty
taste in the mouth, people cannot speak their minds because it will be turned
on them as if they are speaking against their religion.  I can speak out
against / or question religion because the only person I need fear is God, if
(S)He exists. For so many Muslims, not attending church, or questioning what
it says could mean death at the hands of idiots who think they are carrying
out Gods wishes,  These people who manipulate and corrupt in the name of
religion are the ones who should (Will) burn in hell.
          MOST disturbing thing I have seen on TV recently, a report from the
US on BBC "Newsnight"  about the growth of "Mega Churches"  vast amounts of
money being spent, one holds 14,000 people, one vicar, priest, what ever, was
talking about it like it was a Rock Concert, he said the head of that church
told him, "I'm not just a priest, I'm Mayor of this Town"  not a religious
bone in his body, you could almost see the Dollar signs roll round in his
eyes, why are people taken in so easily.  Send me 10 Dollars and I'll say a
prayer for you.  I'll say a prayer for anyone for nothing, and hold out a
hand to help, but I'm not a believer, but my prayer would be sincere.
           Not so long ago there was a report from New York, retired people
having to return to work because of the affects of slumps in pension funds,
and people who once had good jobs going to special shops where they were
allocated food hand outs, is that just the luck of the draw, or is something
           Here you can come from any place in the World or beyond, never pay
a penny into the system, and like the terrorist recently caught, who were
planning to poison as many as they could, you will be housed and given enough
money to buy clothes and spend your days down the pub.  But if you are like
me, and after 36 years of paying in you should lose your job, if your kids
are grown up you get #54 a week, and if you want to pay your mortgage, you're
told you will have to go out and rob a store or mug a granny, but the illegal
immigrants have already done that, they must think we are the dumbest people
on Earth    Sorry to go on and on and ....

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