>>Here you can come from any place in the World or beyond, never pay a penny
into the system, and like the terrorist recently caught, who were planning to
poison as many as they could, you will be housed and given enough money to buy
clothes and spend your days down the pub.  But if you are like me, and after
36 years of paying in you should lose your job, if your kids are grown up you
get #54 a week, and if you want to pay your mortgage, you're told you will
have to go out and rob a store or mug a granny, but the illegal immigrants
have already done that, they must think we are the dumbest people on Earth <<

Tell me Fred, where exactly are the 'spongers' / 'freeloaders' from, the ones
from 'beyond the world', I mean? It's a long time since I was unfortunate to
read a quote so distasteful as the above. It expresses the kind of racist
mentality I detested in the UK and which led me to leave it. It also coincides
with what I mentioned yesterday about the film 'Liam' and the situation in
which fascism can arise, in the case of 'Liam' against Jewish and Irish
people, and in your rant, against illegal immigrants who, as everyone knows,
are all, every man jack of them, planning to poison all the good people who
have worked all their lives and never harmed anyone. I'm sorry you feel bad
about the hand fate has dealt you, but taking it out on 'these people' is not
the answer.

Sarah added:
>>Hi Fred, your post reminds me of this post I was sent yesterday.  Not  sure
I agree with the politics of it entirely (it was sent by a farmer friend of
mine who has very particular views), but it made me laugh anyway.<<

A racist analogy/fable (The Ant and the Grasshopper) is maybe just a fable or
analogy but the racism is there all the same. What could Fred have added to
his comments to make you sure if you agree with the politics of it entirely?
Or maybe you're too delicate to say outright that you don't agree with him. Or
maybe you were referring to the Farmer's post; your sentence is ambiguous
here. Either way, unlike Sarah, I fail to see anything funny about racist
crap, whether thinly disguised or blatantly obvious.
mike in barcelona
Before I am accused of having no sense of humour, let me say that I do, but
what was written above is simply not funny, it is offensive.

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