hi kakki,

>>I just meant it generally, because it seems to be a general assumption
a lot of people.  It seems like some think because Republicans want tax
reform that means they want to do away with social services right away.<<<

yes, that is certainly the usual assumption...which is why i thought it only
fair (for me especially) to point at the democratic presidency for this

>>I totally agree that cutting welfare checks to people in need is just
atrocious.  Solves nothing and creates more problems and hardships.<<

there is one awful example of one woman's plight under the current welfare
system in the movie 'bowling for columbine'...a truly tragic story...

>>Why is it that we are brilliant enough to go to the moon and Mars and
daily are making new discoveries to benefit humankind but we can't figure
out how to put together a better system for
those in need?<<

i agree, we spend so much money on exploring other worlds which would be
fine if this world we live on were humming along nicely..but its not...this
may not be what you actually meant, but for me it is very hard to reconcile
the kind of money it takes to keep the space program going when the money
imo, could be better used in other ways...maybe finding cures for uncurable
diseases as just one example, developing alternative energy sources to oil &
nuclear, as another...out of respect for those who recently died in the
columbia tragedy & their loved ones, i hestitate to bring this up...but
given our current world situation i think the expense & rationalization for
this space program needs reconsidering...

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