kakki wrote:

> Lama,
> Where do you get your info that its been proven a failure over and over? You
> can write me off-list if you want. As far as I know it was pretty much built
> a long time ago. In fact, there have been successful tests of its technology
> disseminated in the media.  It's a pretty simple technology in the overall
> scheme of today's knowledge.  It hasn't been proven in an scenario of
> preventing an actual incoming nuke, I suppose, but it has been shown to work
> in other simulations.  I still think it's a far better option that meeting a
> incoming nuke with a return nuke.

But wouldn't exploding a nuke release radioactivity into the
atmosphere for all to breathe and get cancer?
Also, I am pretty sure the failed tests far outweigh the successful
ones. I recall the last one being faked.

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