Kate wrote:

> i agree, we spend so much money on exploring other worlds which would be
> fine if this world we live on were humming along nicely..but its
> may not be what you actually meant, but for me it is very hard to
> the kind of money it takes to keep the space program going when the money
> imo, could be better used in other ways...maybe finding cures for
> diseases as just one example, developing alternative energy sources to oil
> nuclear, as another...out of respect for those who recently died in the
> columbia tragedy & their loved ones, i hestitate to bring this up...but
> given our current world situation i think the expense & rationalization
> this space program needs reconsidering...

I agree with this as well, but for the same reasons I was hesitant to bring
it up.  I was reading a news article which said the International Space
Station project has a cost of US$95 billion to date.  Imagine how much good
that money could have done in medical procedures.  When you think how many
people have been on waiting-lists for surgery, some for years, it seems just
a little disproportionate.

We have also not explored every area of this planet.  There are areas of
ocean still unexplored, and yet we spend billions trying to find life on
Mars.  To what end?

I don't want to be disrespectful of those who died in the Columbia tragedy
either, but in recent weeks seven people were killed in an avalanche in
Canada, and 46 people were killed in a train crash in Zimbabwe.  Both those
incidents were only given a short paragraph in our national paper, while the
Columbia disaster had pages and pages of articles, including full
biographies of each astronaut.  Were their lives more important than the
others that died?  That seems a little harsh even as I write it, but I'm
sure the relatives of those who died in Canada are grieving just as much as
the relatives of the space shuttle.

I understand the need to "further science" and I have a science background
myself, but it seems our priorities have gotten a little screwed up
somewhere along the line.

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