Asking what the song DJRD is about is sort of like asking, "What's life

It's a very complex song with a lot of references to the books of 
Carlos Castaneda, a Mexican philopsher/poet/writer who theorizes about life,
knowledge and self discovery. One of the "characters" in his books is a
real-life mystic named Don Juan who teaches the ancient philosophies of 
the Toltec Indians. The eagle and serpent imagery are derived from these 
ancient teachings. 

Joni, of course, being a huge fan of Aboriginal philosophies, takes 
these teachings and incorporates them into the universal theme of duality, 
which is a constant thread throughout her work: man/woman, scale/feather,
land/sky, clarity/blind desire, old ideals/new ideals. The crux of the 
song hinges on this line, I think: "The eagle and the serpent are at war in
me/The serpent fighting for blind desire, the eagle for clarity." It's 
Joni coming to terms with a lot of factors in her life that seem to be
conflicting polarities, drawing inspiration from ageless philosophy to 
get some kind of balance. 

This song is a huge undertaking as far as analysis goes. I'm sure an 
entire book could be written about this song. 

But this will give you some pointers, anyway. Just listen to it and let 
the pieces come together for you. This song works best on a subconscious 
level, I find. 

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