----- Original Message -----
From: ron
To: Little Bird ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2000 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: DJRD - Help!!


    >>>>>andrew wrote:
    >>>>>The crux of the song hinges on this line, I think: "The eagle and the
serpent are at war in me/The serpent fighting or blind desire, the eagle for

thanks. i must admit im only familiar with the name "carlos castaneda" and
with the fact that he is/was(??) a writer.

i do get the line quoted above which just kinda jumps out of the whole song
the balance and continual struggle between clear rational thought, and blind
unreasoning passion and desire.

a balance and struggle which i believe joni handles abnormally well, with her
ability to capture and summarise emotions and passions in a crisp, concise way
, enabling people who "get" her music to understand themselves, and others

    >>>>>This song works best on a subconscious level, I find.

so true.  i absolutely love this song. but hardly understand anything about it
other than the line above. the eagle and the serpent fighting in the
individual, fighting in the culture. appearing in strange, & unexpected
places. a basic attribute of mankind, driving him without him being at all
aware of it.

ive been spending quite a bit of time today reading & re reading the lyrics, &
listening & relistening to the song. does anyone know anything about the
writing process of this song? it comes across to me as a powerful stream of
consciousness writing pouring out of the depths of her heart, rather than a
long slow deliberate exercise. get a grip on this song & you get a grip on
joni. obviously no easy task :-)


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