
        >>>>    Kate wrote
        >>>>well its been decades since i read castenda but i do recall some
scary peyote trips taking place & the above lines sure sound like one of
them! lol...

probably the most realistic interpretation  :-)

i was actually going to ask if that was a possibility - since im not too
familiar with these type of drugs. but it seems that a lot of the song
concerns visual images being mixed up. the the serpent resembling a train,
and the eagle resembling an aeroplane, probably with joni being probably
more familiar with the two. or is it just expressing the serpent and eagle
in technological terms which are more relevant to many people today (and
when she wrote the song)

funny also that in this song the airliner represents clarity of thought. yet
in amelia, jet aircraft "the drone of flying engines, is  a song so wild and
blue, it scrambles time and seasons, if it gets through to you"  as well as
other forms of flight seem to  have such romantic connotations - "like
icarus ascending, on beautiful foolish arms" and yet at the same time are
lonely "maybe ive never really loved, maybe that is the truth, ive spent my
whole life, in clouds at icy altitudes" kind of contradictory. like she
always dreamed of loving people and soaring through the the skies on love,
but in fact its always been cerebral. a love of the minds, and afraid to
really commit her heart...the classic cry of someone who is ready, and makes
a habit of giving love so generously, yet is scared of receiving it.

but two parts that really get me are:

    What strange prizes these battles bring
    These hectic joys these weary blues
    Puffed up and strutting when I think I win
    Down and shaken when I think I lose

and the real kicker in the song (well of the lines that im starting to

    I touched you on the central plains
    It was plane to train my twin
    It was just plane shadow to train shadow
    But to me it was skin to skin

the eagle and serpent meet together. she becomes one with (don juan??).
really just an illusion, but so real and intimate to her. but im not too
sure how this would be consistent with what i wrote above about amelia???

anyhow - enough thinking out loud!! if ya think im talking crap please be
nice when you tell me  :-) the song is so great, so confusing, and so

and i also just love the line:

    As we siphon the colored language
    Off the farms and the streets

gee - ya think joni knew rap was coming????? :-)


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