Kakki, I do not have an opinion on Chomsky, I haven't read enough to have an informed opinion. Since we often differ I want to make sure that you know I am not differing - or agreeing - with you here.

I am thanking you for bringing up Cambodia. That mass murder is often forgotten.

And several administrations and two political parties should be condemned for its abandoning of the Cambodian people to their incredible suffering.

Nixon's invasion of Cambodia was a real help in undermining what government was there and allowing the Khmer Rouge to take power. And no nation did a damn thing when the killing fields began - and when Vietnam went in to oust the Khmer Rogue they were opposed, not supported, and not helped because we were mad at Vietnam for beating us - they were the ones who ousted the Khmer Rogue and put to a stop to the killing fields.

they earned my gratitude for that and American policy (both parties, multi administrations) was very reprehensible in that matter.

A lot of us in the church helped raise money for the American Friends Service Committee to illegally run medical and educational supplies to Vietnam for the use of Vietnamese and Cambodian children, the survivors of wars and killing. I always thought the the Carter administration never prosecuted because in his heart he knew we were doing the right thing, even though his official policy, like others before and after him, was criminal IMHO towards Cambodia - in part due to the American political climate that no one would go up against. The raising of money and sending medical and school supplies was certainly illegal but it was never hidden - it was very public, Christian Century and Sojourners magazines among others were very helpful in getting the word out to raise the money for what the AFSC sent.
If Chomsky said what you quote, and why would you not quote correctly, then he with many, many others has blood on his hands.

kakki wrote:

Dismissal and denial of the millions killed in Cambodian holocaust:

"The Khmer Rouge? Back in 1977, Chomsky dismissed accounts of the Cambodian
genocide as "tales of Communist atrocities" based on "unreliable" accounts.
At most, the executions "numbered in the thousands" and were "aggravated by
the threat of starvation resulting from American distraction and killing."
In fact, some 2 million perished on the killing fields of Cambodia because
of genocidal war against the urban bourgeoisie and the educated, in which
wearing a pair of glasses could mean a death sentence."

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