kasey simpson wrote:
> Debra,
> You write opinions all the time based on what people
> think and feel.  Just recently you wrote about Chaney,
> and said it was reported.....by who?  Left wing writers?

CNN, NBC, ABC, NYTimes, 1010 WINS radio... right-wingers might think of
those mainstream sources as left-wing. I don't. Those are the only
sources I was listening to after Sept. 11, and I heard that information
several times. I deliberately chose not to pay attention to left-wing
sources then because I didn't want the thought-provoking challenges I
knew I'd find there, not while I was in such mourning and distress. 

Chomsky's writings are extensive and readily available. Passing off
opinions from a right-wing
think tank is not the same as telling us what Chomsky wrote. 

Bottom line is... reader beware.

> You say how Kakki passes along bias right wing opinions
> as the truth, and yet you do the same thing.  People in
> glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Geezs!

I realize you want to support everything Kakki (and Sarah) have to say,
and constantly needle me every chance you get. Both attitudes are a bit
simple-minded, don't you think?

Debra Shea

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