quoting this re noam chomsky...

>kakki: he is someone who has nothing but contempt for most Americans and
their country for most Americans and their country.

<< randy: His main criticisms revolve around our foreign policy

< kate:  i've seen this issue come up here so many times- criticizing a
gov'ts foreign policy is completely different than criticizing a citizen of
a country...whether it is the usa, iraq, whatever...HUGE difference... 

it pains me to point this out, but these criticisms always come from kakki,
our list-member kathryn herlity.  EVERY post that includes any comments that
could be considered critical of the united states' foreign policy eventually
gets a comment that kakki is tired of all the anti-americanism on the list.
it is especially obvious in bush 43 discussions.  every single thread in
which a jmdler says anything negative about our current president eventually
draws a comment from kathryn about anti-americanism on the list.

this is a particularly nasty form of mccarhyism.  john ashcroft says "you're
either with us, or you're with the terrorists" and quite frankly, so does
kathryn, and i don't buy either person's bullshyt.


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