You're skating close to the edge here, Patrick.  First off, Kakki uses a
screen name because she's had some stalking episodes and she doesn't want
her baptismal name available to every search engine on the internet.  The
way you've (attempted to) use her real name is offensive and potentially
brings danger back into her life.

Second, if she defends foreign policy at every opportunity, it's really
offensive and untrue to compare that to the fabrications of McCarthy and his
staff.  She's as entitled to discuss here as anyone.  What's not allowed
here is personal attacks like comparing her intellectual points to
"bullshyt" and a "particularly nasty form of McCarthyism".  McCarthy was a
master of the dark business of creating a corrosive environment and turning
it to his own advantage.  Sound like anyone you know?

Please don't bring danger into a list members life or attack personally with
a post.  Thanks all.

All the best,

Quoting in its entirety this one time, Patrick said,

Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 00:53:58 -0500
From: "patrick leader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: criticism - NJC

quoting this re noam chomsky...

>kakki: he is someone who has nothing but contempt for most Americans and
their country for most Americans and their country.

<< randy: His main criticisms revolve around our foreign policy

< kate:  i've seen this issue come up here so many times- criticizing a
gov'ts foreign policy is completely different than criticizing a citizen of
a country...whether it is the usa, iraq, whatever...HUGE difference...

it pains me to point this out, but these criticisms always come from kakki,
our list-member kathryn herlity.  EVERY post that includes any comments that
could be considered critical of the united states' foreign policy eventually
gets a comment that kakki is tired of all the anti-americanism on the list.
it is especially obvious in bush 43 discussions.  every single thread in
which a jmdler says anything negative about our current president eventually
draws a comment from kathryn about anti-americanism on the list.

this is a particularly nasty form of mccarhyism.  john ashcroft says "you're
either with us, or you're with the terrorists" and quite frankly, so does
kathryn, and i don't buy either person's bullshyt.


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