That's a beautiful dream, Randy. Wish I could have been there.

Back in the 60s I had a button that read: Brahms, not bombs.

Today our Glorious Leader said he wouldn't be deterred by global protests against war. 
"Democracy is a beautiful thing," Bush said, adding that "people are allowed to 
express their opinion."

Not that he's listening.


Randy Remote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Well, I got up at 5 am to jump on a bus with about 100 other
>people who made it down to the anti-war march in SF on Sunday
>(it was moved from Saturday in deference to the annual Chinese
>New Years celebration, which is a big event in SF). The crowd
>was exuberant, even joyful. Up to a quarter of a million people, from
>old people that could barely walk, to couples pushing strollers,
>all races, nuns, transexuals, you name it (one favorite sign carried
>by a sixty-ish couple "Average people against the war"). Street
>theater. A man standing on a wall, short hair, dressed in a suit
>covered with blood and a sign saying "Everything is All Right",
>exhorting people to "go home, everything is all right, you don't
>need to be here today! Go home and watch your TV!". A small
>brass band I could hear but not see playing "Give Peace A Chance".
>A man holding a placard that just said "Imagine". Wonder Woman.
>Bush and Saddam kicking each other in the butt, then kissing.
>The slow walk to the city hall. Every five minutes or so you would
>here this cheer coming towards you from the front, pass through
>you and keep going onward behind you. We listened to Joan
>Baez and Bonnie Raitt singing together on KPFA's live broadcast
>as our bus pulled away early so as to get us home at a reasonable
>hour. I was thinking of my web friends and the discussions
>that have been taking place.
>Some of my favorite signs:
>War! Good God Y'all!
>Bush Gives Vegetation a Bad Name
>Collateral Damage Has a Face (Pic of a Middle Eastern Child)
>First Strike Makes Us Terrorists
>Not With My Taxes
>Got Blood?
>Stop Mad Cowboy Disease
>If War is Inevitable, Start Drafting SUV Drivers
>Save 2 Schools $3.5M....1 F22 Bomber $153M
>How Did Our Oil Get Under Their Soil?
>War Kills The Poor
>Drop Bush Not Bombs
>Blix Not Bombs
>Bongs Not Bombs
>(Flag) These Colors Don't Run Everything
>George, Why Don't You Send The Twins? (Bush Girls Pic)
>Who Would Jesus Bomb?
>Impeach The Son of a Bush
>God Bless The Rest of the World, Too
>This is My Patriot Act
>Resistance is Fertile
>The King is a Fink
>Fight Plaque Not Iraq

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