Bob Murphy and political content?

There is something serious going on here! When these precincts are being heard from, there is a message there -

If Bob Ethel Murphy-Merman ever made a political comment that contradicted me I would immediately rethink everything that I ever thought because this is such a rare occasion - and I really mean that - the one who says the least on a subject often says the most when they do speak -

Bob, have you ever had a political post before? I can't remember one going back to 1999.

And thank you and God bless you and God bless Ethel!

still astounded but very grateful



<< You voted for Bush, albeit by the slimmest of margins. >>

Not true. Al Gore won the popular vote. Bush won under the Electoral College system and circumstances in Florida (where his brother is governor) that will always be suspect. Plus, the Supreme Court . . . but that is another story.
--Bob, wishing to post about something else but the political content -- and misinformation -- has been taking over lately . . .

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