Mike, the poverty issue first - Spain and Argentina, I don't know anything about them. America - yes, I'd say there's more poverty there than in the UK.

The palace (or "presidential site") the size of central London is in Baghdad and is called Radwaniyah. It's about 25 square kms in size. There's a good Guardian interactive guide at http://www.guardian.co.uk/flash/0,5860,803769,00.html. The Guardian says it would cover the area from Hyde Park to Bermondsey and from King's Cross to Elephant & Castle.

I agree with the points you made about colonial ownership. I'd say that America will want to make this a "model" invasion and post-invasion government, and for that reason will want to rebuild not channel profits elsewhere - but that's just my guesswork. This is why it's important that the democratic opposition in Iraq are given proper positions. Ahmed Chalabi of the INC wrote an article recently in the Wall Street Journal, which I think is subscription only, but I have a copy and I'll send it off-list if you'd like it.


At 10:31 AM +0100 02/19/2003, mike pritchard wrote:
Countries that own their own resources can reinvest them in education, health, transport, etc, while colonial (and neo-colonial) ownership was/is concerned only about taking the profits and using them in the homeland, not the imperial outposts.

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