kakki wrote:

I think the advent of
TV really helped made a difference in bringing down the Soviet empire.
Despite the government's attempts at censorship and control, people were
eventually able to get a view into the outside world.  They could see the
prosperity of much of the rest of the world and realized that they were
being fed propaganda all those years that their system was somehow superior.
The USSR at some point could not control its (mostly more industrious and
prosperous) satellites, nor its own people.  Remember toward the end the
reports of no one going to work anymore and sitting around drinking vodka
all day?  Lech Walesa was a brave man and what he started eventually
snowballed into mass resistance in the other countries.  But it took a long
time to evolve.

You are right, my friend, and the technology is here, the time is now. Iraq is no threat to anyone right now. The have been basically quarantined by the world since 1991. They will roll over no one's borders. But we have the time and means while they are under almost 12 years of containment to do all that we can so that the people can do what they need to do for their own selves. It is not up to us to wage war to impose our ideas. Government is to be of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE - not for us to dictate. But we can surely influence.... No more than we would welcome another country coming in a nd toppling our government.
What is Iraq anyway? It is a made up country that didn't exist until some Europeans started drawing maps after World War I. The Kurds were divided amongst various borders and so were other people. This whole proposed war is very similar to colonialism - white people deciding in our wisdom what the brown people need. The brown people can decide for themselves and our track record in the West with running other countries and other people's lives is dismal in the extreme.

Like you, though, I believe that we have something to sell and we can sell it (one of the things we do best) so that it will be bought without reliance on war.

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