For 45 years this nation viewed the Soviet Union and the
Eastern Bloc nations as this intensely formidable enemy
that had far greater military might and total control than
anything dreamed of in Iraq.

Want regime change?  End the sanctions.

Flood Iraq with all the trade and cultural ties and
commerce and humanitarian assistance and everything that we

Allow the people of Iraq unfettered by sanctions to take
control of their own fate.

Military might cannot withstand the will of the people.

Idealistic and silly?

That is how the government of the USSR, Lithuania, Latvia,
Estonia, Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czecholslovkia,
Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and every eastern Eurpopean
people threw off Communist rule without recourse to war.

That is how China went from a Maoist state to a vastly
improved climate from its Maoist days.

That is how Vietnam evolved into a healthier place.

War is not the answer.  However, it seems nothing can
withstand the will of the peopole combined with good old
American consumerism. 

Call me silly (hey, silly!) but I do believe the Berlin
Wall fell without a shot.  In early 1989 who would have bet
on that?  Maybe only those of us who believe that war is
not the answer to anything, that violence begats violence,
and the people have the right to self determination and
they will exercise that when they are ready.  We cannot
pick who the Lech Walesa is who will jump over the wall of
the Gdansk shipyard, the people must do that themselves.
 And they will, if we enable them rather than attack them.

End the sanctions and swamp them with US goods,
humanitarian aid, commerce, and contacts.   Be a friend,
not a bully.

Which is how the Eastern Bloc Communist nations all became
members of NATO with no shots being fired.


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