Hi Sarah, 

The tape formats are NOT the same in the UK and


> Joe, I'll make a copy . . .  provided I can get my
> video player to 
> work.  Tell me please - I've just moved from Britain
> and Canada, and 
> I'm not sure about Canadian versus American format. 
> Are they the 
> same, do you know, or do I need to buy a particular
> type of tape? 
> Oh, I just noticed, you're in the UK yourself.  Hmm.
> . . perhaps 
> someone else knows, or Joe, do you know whether
> Canada and UK are the 
> same in terms of home video tapes?
> Sarah
> At 10:08 PM +0000 02/22/2003, joe farrell wrote:
> >Just to endorse Bob's point on Joni on CBC March
> 4&11, hope one or more of
> >our Canadian listers will tape the shows. It would
> be brilliant if the
> >copies could be made into a video tree and made
> avalable to other listers
> worldwide subject to the usual terms.
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