----- Original Message -----
> do you know whether Canada and UK are the
> same in terms of home video tapes?

The TAPES are the same = VHS tapes.
What you record on them is different.
US/Canada = NTSC format
UK = PAL format

Most modern European vcrs can play back NTSC tapes. The NTSC format is
converted into a "pseudo-PAL" format (to cheat the tv), so it can be viewed on
a standard PAL tv.
You CANNOT copy NTSC tapes with 2 PAL VCRs. To copy a NTSC tape, you need 2
NTSC vcrs.

So, if you send someone a NTSC tape, depending on the state of the art of the
vcr, it can be viewed on a PAL vcr/tv system.


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