> Based on my own experience, Jim, I'd have to disagree. I can attest to
absolutely incredible outpourings of love that have been showered on me. >

And that has been wonderful, Anne. As a Patient Care Technician in Oncology
here at the largest hospital in the Tampa Bay area, I'm well aware of just
how important such support can when battling the disease. We've all (me
included) taken an active interest in your situation and pray for your
complete return to the very best of health. It appears (and I pray) that you
are well on your way.

In all fairness to my point of last evening, however, I would exclude your
situation as "a special case." What I was referring to - and, granted, I
STILL haven't voiced this impression of mine in a way which satisfies me -
when I said that the professed love between listers "vanishes when the
rubber hits the road" stems from the fact that some of the same individuals
who are lovey-dovey with one another at times can then engage in
unpleasantries when the going gets tough. My impression is that - unlike
other lists I'm on which are less personal in tone - people here get wrapped
up in their JMDL personas (which is due to the tenor of the list - it
invites that), and they like to be viewed as "sensitive," "caring," "the
most knowledgeable" on certain topics - whatever. Then, things go to hell
rather quickly when those personas are questioned or threatened. I maintain
that if you have a message intended for a specific person, these messages
have greater value to the person and are more sincere when they are
communicated privately. There is no question, then, that the sentiment is
real, and not done for effect. For instance, Colin had to put one of his
dogs down recently, and I had no great issue with him sharing that
unfortunate development with the list. But, then, why couldn't people
wishing to grieve with him do so privately? That's the most recent example
of what it is I'm talking about. Should a JMDL digest be filled with posts
commiserating with Colin? (No offense, Colin. I'm just using this example.)
At that point the list devolves into more of a support group (for a select
few, in terms of the 800 subscribers) or a social club, and less a forum for
an exchange of views on Joni, music in general, and other topics of
wide-ranging cultural interest to JMDL subscribers.

I don't mean to come off as heartless, or as "a heel." In truth, I'm a real
good guy I reckon. People who know me like me a lot - I'm blessed with a lot
of friendships I've maintained from different points and places in my life -
and I don't know many people who are more compassionate and empathetic and
willing to go out of their way for others than I am "in real life." I guess
it's just that that's not what I come to the JMDL for, or what I feel the
list should be about. Maybe there could be a separate "Joni Fest" list or
something where the "community" thing is the thing ... where the most active
participants of the 800 JMDL subscribers, who've forged a bond with one
another, and who choose to subscribe and participate, can keep each other
abreast of happenings in their daily lives and receive support and
friendship "on list" from one another, for all to see.

That's it from me on this topic, folks. I already feel like a shit. I've
just been trying to be honest and upfront about the different (from other
music lists) nature of the JMDL, and I still haven't expressed myself well.
I'm not going anywhere, though. My new schedule of 12-1/2 hour days means I
get 4 days off per week. So, I'll disappear on the days I work, but will now
have more of an opportunity to be a more active participant on the JMDL
again, which is something I look forward to.

Best to all, and no offense intended to any individual,

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