From: "Kate Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> i believe we all have the ability to generate as much love as we want &
yes give it to complete strangers as well as those we are in close bounds
with... >

I agree completely.

I'll tell ya, Kate. It's tough when one sentence of a lengthy post is
excerpted and taken out of context and you come across, as I have, as a
total A-hole. I don't blame Anne for that, given the remainder of her very
kind post of today in response to me, but I did hate to see that same
exchange being excerpted without ITS context, too.

My point is this. I have nothing against expressions of love. (I'm *all
about* love. Really, I am. I'm a pussy cat, and I can cry like a baby at
others' victories and defeats, whether I know them or not, whether they be
real people or fictional characters in movies, books or songs.) I just don't
"get" why personal expressions of love and support (and the opposite) need
to be public - verses private - on a public forum peopled by 800-plus
subscribers, allegedly dedicated to the discussion of the life and times of
Joni Mitchell. When the should-be-private is made public, I can't help but
question the motive. And in my three years on the JMDL I've seen numerous
examples of exactly that of which I spoke (repeated again, against my better
judgment, below). I think all JMDLers have, whether they choose to admit it
or not.

Victor asked (and I said I wasn't going to post about this topic anymore so
didn't answer him):

"What bothers you so much about people who have developed close

NOTHING! They make life worth living! What bothers me is that the day-to-day
playing out of JMDL friendships happens on a public forum, rather than in
private communication, and does not involve the vast majority of JMDL
subscribers. Does no one else see the difference, the distinction I'm trying
to draw? Why is it important to people to have others see what it is they
have to say to a third party, whether it be support during a tough time or
congratulations or what-have-you? Why isn't a private message enough? Is it
perhaps because there are no brownie points or "wow, isn't he/she a
fantastic person?" thoughts from the greater community then?

This really IS the last I want to say about this particular opinion of
mine - that being that the private should be voiced privately - no matter
what other posts come my way about what I've said. I look forward to
becoming a more active JMDLer again, regardless of the character of the
list. Due to being away from my computer for extended periods, I am more
often a digester than a real-timer. (It's overwhelming to open your inbox
and find 200 new messages in it.) It's much easier to delete individual
posts than it is to scroll, but I'm up to it. :-)


> Jim Leonard wrote:
> >My point was that much of the professed "love" between listers is/was
delusional and/or insincere, and that it vanishes when the rubber hits the

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