I was nodding in agreement until:

"what can you say about an institution that constantly rewards that 
idiot no talent eminem?(yes i KNOW i'm an old fart but C'MON!)i swear 
they gave it to him out of FEAR."

I am a year older than you - and Em has been screwed by the Grammys 
twice over on album of the year.

Sorry that you don't like Eminem, but if we all liked the same thing I 
couldn't get concert tickets.

But when I hear music dissed, I remember two things:

weren't we the generation that sang, "hope I die before I get old..."

and even more didn't think the truest statement ever made about our 
music was:

"Come mothers and fathers all over this land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughter are beyond your command
Your old role is rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a changing"

Be careful becoming what we were against when it was our music being called not music 
at all, 
just noise, just stuff that made no sense, not as good as music was in our day, they 
don't write them like
they did when we were kids, now that was music ya da ya da ya da ya da drone on and 

Like it or not, rap is the music of the generation that we aren't any more.  

at least the grammys gave one to Joni for TI.. and they are a joke for 
the most part -

walterphil wrote:

>well the first thing i'm gonna do tonight
>after i get out of this sucky job
>is gonna glide my needle thru sweet sucker dance
>the grammies:
>don't get upset--
>they always sucked
>they always will suck
>i'm 49 and i know
>the beatles never won a grammy until "let it be" 
>joni didn't win for "hejira" or "blue" or "roses"
>laura nyro was never even mentioned.
>(lets just compare "song to a seagull" or
>"eli & the 13 confession" to nora or dora whats her name...)
>the mind reels.....
>what can you say about an institution that constantly 
>rewards that idiot no talent eminem?
>(yes i KNOW i'm an old fart but C'MON!)
>i swear they gave it to him out of FEAR.
>joni's best---"electricity"
>(how bout the way she effortlessly stretches the last "easy"
>to eleven or twelve notes!) there's her vocal genius showing thru.
>the worst--"woodstock"--that yodley ending---aaarrrrgggghhh
>(i'll admit it was VERY brave though)
>i'm doing 2 more
>cause i want to and its fun
>best--"for the roses" (hmmm guess you can tell my fave lp)...but c'mon...an 
>incredibly subtle, yet extremely complex melody tossed off so casually. Life just 
>doesn't get any better than this.
>(and don't even get me started on the lyrics)
>worst--"last chance lost"-boy that title is like METAL 
>nails on a blackboard to me, everytime. so glad my cd has 
>a remote. following the sublime "turbulent indigo" too.
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