Gary wrote:

> The volume of political posts make me weary....and sad sometimes.  I
> guess I must admit I come here to escape some of the sad realities of
> war and life that I am bombarded with constantly

Certainly over the years I have been one of the big contributors to the 
political posts on this list, and while I remain passionate about free 
speech, I feel just as passionate that this list remain a safe and 
welcoming place for everyone.  It saddens me that so many of our long-
time members have chosen to go "Joni-only" because of the overwhelming 
number of political/war posts.

With this concern, and with the hope that those same folks will come 
back to the "whole" list, I am hereby withdrawing from further 
political discussions on the Joni Mitchell Discussion List.  There are 
other places for us to discuss politics to our hearts content, one of 
them being, which Les 
thoughtfully set up for us back in October.  (And you know there may be 

Anyone care to join me?


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