Does the JMDL seem to have taken on a different flavor 
lately?  Does it seem to have lost some of its sense of community?

Hi.  I'd like to add just a few thoughts to this discussion, as one who has 
been somewhat inactive of late, but by no means indifferent to the JMDL.  
Bear in mind that I believe any observations I could make would only be a 
*static* appraisal of a phenomenon that is in a *constant state of flux*.  I 
think the mere posing of the question itself results in a degree of list 
metamorphosis, in terms of content, compared to a few days ago.  

Moreover, what is the basis for the list "different" from 
what?  From the JMDL of 1988, when Joni, Van and Zimmerman were on that sweet 
mini-tour?  Or from the JMDL of 1987 when at one point the scuttlebutt was 
Julie Z's inaugural Jonifest?  I mean, how does one hold current list members 
and their posts to some undefinable standard presumably attained by lists 
gone by...a completely different group of people in utterly different times.  

And before I lament that this post or that wasn't "fun" or "enjoyable" to 
read when reading the jmdl, I try to consider how fulfilling and cathartic it 
can be to simply express oneself, eloquent or not, in a forum in which one 
feels comfortable.  The mere *opportunity* to be heard by 800 of your peers 
is a rare gift...whether misunderstood immediately deleted by the majority, 
or not.   I appreciate the privilege and have availed myself of it many 
times.  Hell, I'm doing it right now.

Today's manifestation of the JMDL is as wonderful as any I've been blessed to 
be a part of over my long strange trip here.  I want to get to know you all.  
Everyone seems to sincerely love Joni and no one comes off as a complete tool 
in their posts.  Let's give credit where credit's due.  :-)

I have nothing but respect for those who post their political views in one 
form or another and shudder to think of the inherent bias of any moderation 
of same in this forum.  I don't always "like" the viewpoints, but I always 
appreciate the candor.  

For the most part, it seems to me that jmdlers are smarter than the average 
bear and so many are incredibly talented musically...artistically.  So many 
of you are truly beautiful people who have been so very kind to me.  Nothing 
compares to the dynamic of the people on this list, just as no one compares 
to the artist who has brought us together from all corners of the globe.

For best results from the JMDL, I strongly urge everyone to get outside the 
box...come to Jonifest west or east this year.  You'll look at this list 
completely differently hence.  You can't help but feel the love.  And it 
makes for many interesting Joni-related things to discuss here on the list.  
For me the jmdl remains very much a the very best sense of the 
word.  My heart believes that, as wonderful as this list has been for me over 
the years, the best is yet to come.


NP: Big Yellow Taxi -"The Dawntreader" 

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