I offer up this challenge to any of you who have never attended a Jonifest, minifest, 
Paz fest or
simply met up with any other list members ... JUST DO IT!  I dare you not to have a 
great time and
not feel a part of some secret society!  

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting up with Kerry, Steve Polifka, Dennis and 
Jack!  Along
with these listers Dennis brought two friends AND my "older" cousin Kathy (snicker).  
brought his sweet partner Jeff along for the adventure as well.  

While Dennis and his entourage met up elsewhere, Kerry, Steve, Jeff and I met at "The 
Closet."  We
began indulging in libations and were treated to a performance by my friend & 
bartender Lee.  She
performed her fan dance to the Madonna video, Vogue, flawlessly and to a huge round of 
as per usual.  We then mosied over to Davenports. We were greeted at the door by 
Dennis, who
recognized us immediately.  We then attemped to make our way to our seats. I was 
greeted by both bartenders, who seemed to know me.  Hmmm do I party too much?  One was 
an old
friend, Sue Who- as she is known.  The other also mentioned her excitement at seeing 
my name on
their reservation list for the evening - WHO WAS SHE!?? (shrug) Happily as we entered 
the cabaret
room I saw my "older" cousin Kathy, sitting there.   I am enjoying saying this as she 
is only 3
years older, but complained all night about my making that reference to our 
relationship.  And
since she is now threatening to join the list and attend a Jonifest, I hope she 
someday finds this
post in the archives.  Soon after Jack Merkel joined the table.
The two owner of Davenports then came to the table, friends of Dennis and travel 
compaions of his
on his trip to China.  I also was surrised they remembered me from the old days.  They 
were there
to see the show for the first time themselves.  

The show began with the three performers stepping on to the stage and opening their 
set with
"Raised On Robbery."  Immediately the harmonies stood out for me and the tone of the 
night was
set.  This was not to be an imitation of Joni, but purely done in a cabaret, 
nightclubby short of
flavor.  As there has been some talk here latley of Joni's songs becoming standards , 
I found this
style to the most advantageous to that accomplishment or goal. 

Both of the women, Anne & Allison :-P - had what I would say had medium to deeper 
voice ranges,
definitely not meant to be mimicking "the chirp." Rob's voice may have been the 
highest but was
not really meant to challenge the high notes, nor did he try.  Next they did, again 
with great
harmonies, "You Turn Me On ..."  There was an initial fear they would stick to the 
really well
known Joan and steer clear of some of her true treasures.  With Allison :-P having the 
first solo,
I was quickly corrected.  She did a very nice rendition of "Barangrill."  Anne who I 
think was the
most stylistic and more the actress came up with, "The Last Time I Saw Richard" - 
maybe her
weakest song of the night for me, although she was fab on several others.  And Rob's 
first solo
was "Help Me."  Backed up by some sweet harmony, provided by Anne & Allison:-P.  YES I 
am going to
make that sign every time I mention her!  The rest of the set went like this:

Allison/Two Grey Rooms
Anne/ Sunny Sunday
Rob/In France They Kiss On Main Street 
During the evening Rob had some flubs of lines and thankfully Steve was in the 
audience to prompt

Next came what may have been the best song of the evening, when Anne did her version 
of "The
Gallery."  You had to love this, even for those of you who may not love this song, she 
just really
nailed it and beautifully.   Then Allison :-P did the same with, the soon to be a 
standard, "Blue
Motel Room."  And Rob's best was next with "See You Sometime."  So it was bang bang 
bang, with
each giving their best and you had to be way into it now!  

They interjected some Joni facts or myths, depending on what your knowledge of Joan 
truly is.  Rob
in fact picked up and played the ukelele, mentioning this was Joni's first instrument. 
 And later,
there was a reference to Janis, the muppet, being created with Joni in mind.  If 
anyone can
confirm or disspell this rumor please let us know.  

And the set contuinued:

All/Solid Love
Rob/A Case of You
All/Circle Game  

And the big finish was an acappella version, with finger snapping of "Big Yellow 
Taxi." Once again
with super harmonies.           

The nearly full room was mostly on their appreciative feet, as they exited the stage.  

The name of this group is Foiled Again.  They do have plans for a follow-up Joni show. 
 And they
are considering a special "Blue" show as we found out later.

We then moved into the main bar to socialize and discuss the show.  Here we mingled 
for the rest
of the evening with the three performers and each other.  I did finally realize that 
Renee, the
other bartender was an acquaintance from my past - so whew, talk about saving face!  
And she
really just exchanged numbers with me, to see about playing softball for me this 
summer.  Cousin
Kathy and I got to enjoy some quality time with each other for the first time in 
several years, so
that was very cool.  This all lasted until I had to drag Kerry & Jack out of the bar 
as we were in
fact the last patrons.  We all talked and got to know a little about each other, 
speaking of the
listers. Again, as I have said sooo many times - I have found my people!  

Now as luck would have it I managed to be standing right next to Allison - ok, I'll 
stop that face
thing.   We talked mostly to her and Rob, who was fast becoming our bud.  They were 
thrilled to
hear about the list AND VERY excited about Jonifest. So they too, have ideas now about 
joining and
going!  We sang bits of songs and laughed a lot.  

Then, and I can never tell when it's going to come over me, Ethel entered!  We all 
took turns
singing different lines from Joni songs as Ethel, including Allison, Rob, Kerry, Jack 
& Steve.  On
second thought maybe we were channellng Smurph channelling Ethel?    And you know 
there may have
been more but I have trouble remembering things when I am channelling.  

So I would say Jonifest Chicago style was a great success and a splendid time was had 
by all.  So
happy to have been a part of this great group and encourage others to get together 
anytime - all in the name of Joni!

Kerry is now on a train on her way back to Milwaukee and I am sure will have her own 
report to
file, as well as the others.  Love to my old friends and new, I wouldn't have missed 
this for the

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