My report is a little later than Susan's because I had to recover from too
much fun in Chicago!  I was a little fuzzy yesterday from 3 hours of sleep
and a nasty hangover.  (I haven't gotten out much this winter...)  I don't
have too much to add to Susan's detailed report.  It was the first time I
took the train down to Chicago and it was a really fun and non-stressful way
to go!  (And so appropriate to take a train to a Joni gathering!)

Anyway, it was fun meeting Susan and her friends at The Closet.  I think she
knew everyone who came in the door!  As she said, we ventured over to
Davenport's, in a very interesting part of the city, and settled in for the
show.  I was impressed that the group did some of the more "obscure" songs
and did them well.  The highlights for me were The Gallery with beautiful
harmonies that both women nailed, See You Sometime, Blue Motel Room and
ACOY, which Rob sang solo and tagged a verse from BSN at the end.  It was
very emotional for me because I was missing my sweetheart from across the
sea. :>)

We had a nice time socializing with "Foiled Again" afterward and as Susan
said, they were very excited about the JMDL and Joni fest.  They'd be a nice

It was wonderful to see Susan again and meet up with Steve, Jeff, Dennis &
co. and Jack.  I had a great time chatting with Susan and Jack till closing
time.  We talked about music and bonded with the fact that we're all Harold
and Maude fans!

Thanks Susan for organizing this mini-fest and for your hospitality!  I
loved seeing your house and meeting feisty little Isabella.  (Like mother,
like "daughter?")


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