I am often criticesd by people who know me because I prefer to see the good in people and because I won't condemn people. I see nothing wrong in condeming peopl's beahviour or attitudes, but I don't think it right to condemn people as bad.
I tend to feel compassion for people who do terrible things.
However, I am finding it increasingly difficult to dismiss the views of these friends.
I am aware that people are not always coming from a 'good place', that people can be cruel and mean spirited and self centred.

A situation arose again to day where iw as disrespected and abused. I did not let it pass tho and stood my ground. I have an adult dog to rehome. I rarely make a charge as long as am sure it is a good home. Well, went around to the house to meet these people. they were not in. I saw immediately that they lived on a main road and had no fenced in garden. My dog is not going to live there. So the 'friend' who put me in touch got stroppy with me and accused me of being 'stupid' and then the woman who was MAYBE going to have the dog phoned me and was abusive!!!! The point, I never said they could ahve the dog. i said I needed to meet them. Secondly, what fucking right have they got to EXPECT naything from me? And why the fuck should I have to justify myself to them? am sick of this sort of disrespect. i am sick of the way people beahve and am sick of getting it the neck from ignorant people who think only of themselves.

YET if I start to 'judge' people as 'good' or 'bad', where does the authority come from to do that? whos is to say i am 'good' or 'bad'? Myself? well i know people who think they are 'good' and they do and and say evil. They think only of themselves, don't care about others as long as they have what they want.
If we think others don't come up to the mark, how do we know we do? Are we to think of ourselves and others as bad for the errors we make? If so then we are all fucked because not one us is error free. Do we say 'bad' only applies to those who 'think' and who are aware of their errors? Awareness can come at many stage in life.

Just writing this , I can see I am not likely to change into thinking people are innately bad. But short of living as hermit, it is very difficult to avoid shit heads.
I am hurt and angry and probably talking crap. But know you lot are used to it and will ignore it or not as you please.

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