Ric wrote here and in other posts:

> i suppose at least part of what i was trying to say was that, unlike
kakki, i try not to make my moral judgements
> based on things i read in some supermarket tabloid.

Kate and I have both referred to links that are not tabloid sources.  I
don't know why you keep insisting I heard all this from a tabloid source.
Did you read about it in a tabloid?  I even did some searches on the net of
the tabloids to see what they said about it and did not find anything close
to what I have stated.  Would it be too much to ask you to read these
mainstream news accounts of the incident, including archival news reports
going back to 1977?  And then would you apologize to me for what you've
written?  (Somehow I don't think an apology would be forthcoming).

Grand Jury Testimony:


January 2003 interview with the victim:


News archives from 1977 - 2000 regarding the facts and events of the case
from the Washington Post, L.A. Times, New York Daily News, and the Toronto


>>was THAT the extra info you were alluding
> to but felt was too inapporpriate to share?   you, behind the potted palm?

Yeah I shouldn't have said anything further.  Heat of the moment.  As I
mentioned before I grew up with and went through school with a family member
of Sharon Tate and so have formed other personal opinions which would not be
appropriate to share here. OK?

> while there's certainly no shortage of people who can be morally certain
> things they know nothing about, i'm proud not to be one of them.

This is a bizarre statement.  He confessed to his actions and was convicted.
And you take offense and call me moralistic for having a problem with a 43
year old man drugging and raping a 13 year old and for some in Hollywood to
so callously brush that off?  It's bad enough that she was underage but I
have a real problem with any man of any age drugging and raping anyone.  If
you can't see why that is something that is wrong, then there is not much
more that I can say.  You are lucky no one ever did that to you.  It isn't a
question of consensual sex or who lied or who was a slut.   Drugging someone
unwittingly can put a person's life in danger.  Sodomizing a 13 year old can
also do great physical harm.


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