As a newbie to this list I must say. Wow! I tried to be a peacemaker. It
really bothers me that you sound so depressed even though I don't know
you. I have been through a lot in my life. This time last year I was
puking in the gutter outside a methadone clinic. Everyone making light
of heroin addiction, I know its a joke, I was there at that point and
ooooooh I want to shoot up soooooooo bad sometimes ... really I just
fall to my knees. Oh, to get that insanely lovely rush ... oh my god I
drive through the dirty city looking for places to score ... I don't
know anywhere hour and a half north and I can score clean and
safe ...quarter piece...half piece...i have clean needles in the closet
... ultra-fine... Lou Reed, so clichi, "I really don't care anymore,
about all the jim jims in this town, and everybody putting everybody
else down, and all the dead bodies piling up in mounds." So pleeeze, you
don't get any medication, nor do I or anyone. Its a sweet lie. Be here
now with me. Love is the answer. I wrote this the other day:


here in love's presence
i will lay me down
and here in love's airplane
we're just touching ground
to walk in love's pathway
if only for a while
and feel love shining 
shining in your smile

i open the door 
the door to my heart
i've let you in
and love, is the key
the key to my freedom
the wages of my sin

here in love's ocean
we will sink like stones
here beneath the green waves 
love will bless our souls
so deep in love's sweet dream
we will rest in peace
drown in love's presence 
i shall be released

i open the door 
the door to my heart
i let you in
and love,
love is the key
the key to my freedom
the wages of my sin

-----Original Message-----
Michael Paz
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:17 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Kakki; mack watson-bush; Joni Digest
Subject: Where's my fecking medication??? NJC (LONG)

Does this mean that we will all be having cocktails by the pool soon??

> Gillian wrote:
> << Who is Kakki  to gauge how much someone else should enjoy another
> work and/or how loudly they should clap? >>
> To which Kakki replied
> << What's ironic is that I thought I'd conveyed my extremely mixed
> over the whole situation and did state I didn't know what people
should have
> done regarding their applause. >>
> To which I can only add "hear hear!"  You DID convey your ambivalence
> seemed to me to go out of your way to stress that you *weren't*
decreeing what
> people should have done.
> As I'm sure you're aware Kakki, I disagree with you pretty
> about most things political.  Despite, or maybe because of that, I
want to say
> that I totally support you on this issue, in the light of this
> sniping, although I'm not sure two people counts as "Kakki bashing"
(and I
> know it wasn't you who used that phrase)- I'm glad to see that several
> share this point of view.  I also agree with you that Ric owes you an
> Azeem

Then Mack wrote:

No, that was me.  I am not sure just exactly how many it takes to
a bash.  3?  12?  Webster defines it as -to engage in harsh, accusatory
criticism.  Sounds like that fits the bill.  I often don't agree with
either on politics, although many times I do, but I read each and every
she puts forth here.   Why?  Because she is informed and makes her
concisely, passionately, and without getting personal, although on
she has had to delve into the latter, a bit, when attacked, but more
than not she doesn't even engage in that.    It seems as if she and her
posts are always held to a different standard than anyone else.  I can
surmise it is because of her stances on different subjects that are
often at
odds with the consensus, here on the JMDL.   I appreciate her and her


Mack thanks so much for this insightful post. I have been resisting
for so long about this, mostly because I am so overwhelmingly depressed
right now and have not been myself. I always come here for relief from
life's troubles and to find likeminded people musically and family. The
attacks that have been aimed at some I hold in the highest regard
disturb me
so much. I have been knowing Kakki for over 6 years now and I have had
incredible times with her at Jonifests or just chilling by the sea in
England or as a guest in her home or just here in cyber space. We have
talked about everything under the heavens and she always has been so
forthcoming and intelligent in our discussions. We agree on so many
(especially Joni, music, food, choice of cocktails, and company) but not
always. I have never seen her ATTACK anyone personally for their views
beliefs. Yet she is always attacked for posting something timely in the
or what ever the current thread is or whatever. She is the most gracious
hostess I have ever known. A true giver. I don't recall her asking me
anything in return for all the things she has offered me and others on
fecking list. She is connected, and I don't just mean hollywood. She
it. She's far more intelligent than I will ever be and sometimes goes so
over my head with the political stuff, BUT....I always find her
and forthcoming with information to back up her current discussion (or
as I think someone put it). She almost always backs up her discussion
links to sights etc. and NEVER has said an unkind thing to someone
personally because they don't agree or "smoke the same cigarettes as me"
(sorry I digressed into the stones for only a moment) or whatever.
line is, if you are gonna get in on these discussions, keep it to topic
not take a swat at someone cause you are different.

In these times I think we all need each others support as friends and
we can all agree to disagree with each other on whatever the topic (God
forbid that we might even learn something from one another), BUT we
need to ATTACK each other and send the heavy artillery to flame some
personally. I encourage everyone to talk about whatever they want to
about (even tho I was one who rebelled against anything other than Joan
the beginning, but only cause I was young and stupid) this list is a
community for all of us and what I have come to appreciate more than
anything including Joan is what is going on in your personal lives, the
fests, the musical NP's and suggestions, what Colin's animals are up to,
what bikinis Jimmy's Cuban is wearing on the beach, (Icould go on fer
here but this already tooooo long)  and whatever. The only thing I
hate is to read an outright attack on someone because you disagree or
because you haven't gotten laid recently, or it's your period, or you so
fecking depressed or you wanna lash out at someone else to make everyone
else as miserable as you are (insert your own lame excuse
{hope that was enough room for your excuse} ).

I truly have been in a horrible funk lately. The war has really affected
in a very bad way and my personal and professional life are not much
(not to mention that friends on the list who have been laid off of work
suffering with sickness or loss..... And on and on). I am somewhere in
middle in regard of it and I find that I have no one to communicate with
about my feelings for it. I usually avoid political discussions, but
that I need to talk to someone about it. Even thought I usually feel
like I
can say anything here, I don't feel comfortable talking about my
about it because I fear that it will just turn into some personal attack
because I don't feel the same way as you do. That is NOT a good thing
for a
list like this one where most of the folks are intelligent as well as
compassionate and comforting to their brothers and sisters. Normally
even in
the worst instances I can rise above the bad and see or feel the good.
war and my personal and professional life have been in a downward spiral
the past couple of weeks.

I got a haircut today and had a drink (I have been on the wagon for over
week which probably explains everything), and had some razor clams from
England (go figure) at Rio Mar (my fave restaurant in New Orleans) and I
feeling better and up to posting after a long lurk. Wish I had a few of
here in the house to play a few tunes and knock back a few.

I wish to thank Bob Muller for all his report on the W2W as well as
else who shared their thoughts on the gig.

My ass has leaned (as we all knew it would) towards attending this years
Jonifest and I am longing for the closeness and music with so many of
you. I
wish you all well and I pray for the brave people who are defending us
abroad, unworthy as we may be, and pray for a swift end to the war. I
wish that all of you answer so many of our prayers and be tolerant with
another in our home here on the JMDL (thanks Les!). I wish you all
and love in your lives and look forward to breaking bread and toasting
all in person soon.



P.S. Happy Birthday to Evian and Suze! Annie get and IPOD (go Macs). And
Fred Simon I was thinking it might be a good week to try heroin too, but
quit drugs just in time lol. Also thanks to Bryan for the Gino Vannelli
recommendation, I love that guy! Sorry for the long post! It's better
me catching up after 800 posts with 19 of my own! Out!

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