Here's a funny story ... (do you know some people call me "Lori with a 
Story?") ...

About 4 years ago when I was still living in San Antonio, a friend of 
mine who works around L.A. and gets invited to various celeb parties 
called me on the phone, a bit inebriated (well okay, she was totally 
fecked up).  She said she was at a party at Melissa Manchester's HOUSE, 
and wondered if I knew who Melissa is?  Well!  I explained to my friend 
that not only do I know who she is, but I used to own every album (up 
through Don't Cry Out Loud, anyway - I'd discovered Joni by the time 
that one was released).  AND I loved Melissa so much in high school 
that I permed my hair so it would look like hers!

That was all it took for my friend to say, "Oh my god, you're a 
weirdo!  I was going to let you TALK to Melissa, but now -- no way!"

Oh well.  I never knew if that particular friend was ever telling the 
truth about ANYTHING, so nothing lost.  I guess.  Maybe.

: (


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