Bree wrote:

> I was completely transfixed... mesmerized during her performance of ACOY.
> during Blue..too.  no acronym needed for B..;-) )

I think that is part of the performances from the Victoria Theatre which is
included on the "Pink Dress" tape (Bob?)

I'm going to peruse my collection over the weekend and see what's there
again and will see about getting copies to send to Ashara.

A caveat about some of the Laurel Canyon footage - it's very goofy, as in,
you know, that kind of late 60s sitting around with the herb goofy.  Don't
expect beautiful candid performances by Joni but as an authentic snapshot of
the day, it's pretty good ;-)  Joni on the beach is fantastic, too, with an
overlay of Song to a Seagull playing.


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