In a sad attempt to drag me into the "Old Coots Home" Colin wrote and I responded  
I said:
> You're as young as you feel!
Father Time wrote:
> 15
Well I said "as you feel Colin, not as you act!" 

Then I said:
> >  And - Well at this hour on a Friday night - I feel REAL good!
Colin said:
but cheap plonk 's affects don't last and is so common-just right for a 
> butch biker bitch....
Well Butch and bitch you got right - but hey its working for me!  And last nite like a 
sailor going for a tattoo ... I acted like a biker bitch and got a piercing, so now I 
am wearng
another earring and its nowhere near my ear!  And what exactly is "plonk?" 

And finally leave it to you and the Smurph to eventually getting around to adding your 
blue guys" to a thread.  Seems you two cant keep those out of anything!

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