One more addition to the thread that just won't fade away - gracefully ....

Colin wrote:
> such a common tart. really, why do I associate with you?

Cause OLD Coots like you live vicariously through young virile butches like me!  (says 
youthful Susan who really isnt THAT butch)

> >  And what exactly is "plonk?" 
> >
> cheap wine

Well I am not cheap, nor am I a whiner ... which is more than I can say for some 
...hmmm Colin?

> >
> >And finally leave it to you and the Smurph to eventually getting around to adding 
> >your "little
> >blue guys" to a thread.  Seems you two cant keep those out of anything!
> >
> nevr mind Suzzi, maybe in your enxt life you will have one of your own. 
> oryou could win the lottery and have one made for you? Green doesn't 
> really suit you, my dear.

Green happens to be my color of choice grandpa!  And I needn't win the lottery to have 
one, they
can be easily & economically purchased.  Hoping there is NO reincarnation if I must 
come back and
have one of those little "blue fellas."

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