2012/2/15 Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>:
> On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> this rant, then from someone beeing not even a code contributor, but I
>> really suffered hard from the recent change of shortcut "w" (before
>> buildings plugin, I use this VERY often, now "refine way", which I
>> never use).
> You can change that as you know.

yes, I know this, but it never worked well for me. As soon as you
start to make your own shortcuts (or by the time a core function or
plugin (different to the function you assigned the shortcut to)
decides to use this shortcut as well) you will get chain reactions of
silent-shortcut conflicts, and even the main shortcuts like "a" and
"s" were then redefined for this reason (because I had used a
userdefined shortcut that otherwise a plugin or core function would
have used, so that function used "a" or "s" then, and selection went
to ctrl+shift+s (or similar, its only an example, and I don't recall
right the circumstances, but I am sure it really was "a" and "s"
remapped)). The only way for me to live in peace was to go back to
default shortcuts.

I think it would be a nice idea to have some shortcuts flagged as
"most important" and not be in the pool of easily changeable shortcuts
(they would be changeable only on user confirmation). This would be at
least (list is probably not complete): ctrl+z, a, s, d, c, p, m, j, x,
w, o, g

> We have too many shortcut conflicts and we need to unify this.

+1, I really appreciate that you made the list and that there is this
discussion now.


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