On 02/17/2012 02:49 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2012/2/15 Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>:
>> On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>> this rant, then from someone beeing not even a code contributor, but I
>>> really suffered hard from the recent change of shortcut "w" (before
>>> buildings plugin, I use this VERY often, now "refine way", which I
>>> never use).
>> You can change that as you know.
> yes, I know this, but it never worked well for me. As soon as you
> start to make your own shortcuts (or by the time a core function or
> plugin (different to the function you assigned the shortcut to)
> decides to use this shortcut as well) you will get chain reactions of
> silent-shortcut conflicts, and even the main shortcuts like "a" and
> "s" were then redefined for this reason (because I had used a
> userdefined shortcut that otherwise a plugin or core function would
> have used, so that function used "a" or "s" then, and selection went
> to ctrl+shift+s (or similar, its only an example, and I don't recall
> right the circumstances, but I am sure it really was "a" and "s"
> remapped)). The only way for me to live in peace was to go back to
> default shortcuts.
> I think it would be a nice idea to have some shortcuts flagged as
> "most important" and not be in the pool of easily changeable shortcuts
> (they would be changeable only on user confirmation). This would be at
> least (list is probably not complete): ctrl+z, a, s, d, c, p, m, j, x,
> w, o, g

I agree, this is a bug. There can a long chain of remappings in case of
a single conflict. One solution is to avoid conflicts altogether, but
this is impossible: The user can change a shortcut and install a plugin
afterwards that uses the supposedly free key.

One problem is, that "Ctrl+Shift+s" becomes "s" in conflict resolution,
because the "s" shortcut is registered after the Plugin and Main menu
shortcuts so it seems to be still free.

Possible solutions:
* Always replace shortcut by a combination with more or the same
modifiers ("Ctrl+Alt+Shift+s" or "Ctrl+Shift+?" with any letter ?).
* Keep a list of shortcuts from the last sessions in a file. For
conflict resolution, avoid combinations that seem to be already in use.


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