On Mon, 22 Jun 2015, Daniel Koć wrote:

And I'm still curious why JOSM developers didn't like the idea and if there's a possibility to reconsider it?

There are many reasons, small and larger ones, but most of them result in the fact that no editor development team wants to give up their own infrastructure in favor of something else. We already had these discussions with Merkaartor and Potlatch in the past and something similar with iD.

JOSM for many years (from the beginning) documents all the data formats it uses and it is easy usable XML. Nevertheless nobody ever bothered to simply use these files - everybody starts their own infrastructure and own file formats.

Even efforts to unify at least the data when its impossible to unify the infrastructures itself seem to fail, so I wouldn't expect a major progress in unified presets anywhere in near future.

And yes we constantly have a look at these topics, but dropping what we have in favor of something else is extremely unlikely, especially as there was much work put into it and as far as I know there exists nothing as powerful as our data format specs and the community integration to create data for it (presets, styles, rules, maps).

Nevertheless, when you compare editor presets and find something is solved better for another editor open a JOSM ticket and we'll fix it (also if you find something without looking at another editor :-).

But also remember that the editors have different targets, so even if all above could be solved, the data probably never can match fully.

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