
Walk now, don't run later!

Ephesians 5:15-16 "Look carefully then how you walk,
not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the
time, because the days are evil".

One of the things that marks the Christian approach to
time is a sort of earnest and dedicated sense that it
is short.  This is something nobody much believes when
they are young and everybody begins to grasp as 
they get old--old enough to lament that they didn't
really believe it when they were young.  In youth,
life is more or less a long Saturday afternoon.  The
test is days away.  By Sunday evening, we realize with
a dawning sense of rushed worry that the test is
tomorrow morning and we have to cram.  Christian
teaching stresses again and again the need to 
prepare now so that we will be ready later, to walk a
mile or two every day for months rather than try to
walk a thousand miles in a week.  Thus, "making the
most of the time" does not mean a frenzy of fevered 
activity.  It means a measured step of slow and steady
obedience to Christ: a "long obedience in the same
direction."  Today, be wise and do the next practical
thing in obedience to the Holy Spirit.  God will light
the path before your feet so that you can walk now,
rather than run frantically later.

love n prayers,
Josachayan / Saudi Arabia

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