
Remember us, O Lord!

Nehemiah 13:31 "Remember me, O my God, for good".

There is something haunting about reading an ancient
document like Nehemiah as the memoir of a man setting
his story down in the sight of God and asking to be
"remembered for good."  It is the same as walking 
through an English graveyard and seeing all the
centuries-old tombstones briefly chronicling the life
of stranger after stranger, whose whole existence is
summed up for remembrance by God in a line or two.  So
many people, and so many of them anonymous: lost now
to all human memory forever.  It is sobering to think
that all the people who so occupy everybody's minds
todaythe Clintons, Bushes, Madonnas, Backstreet Boys,
Tom Cruises, Ted Turners, and all the rest of the folk
whose name is up in lights at the momentwill someday
be as forgotten and obscure as virtually all of
Nehemiah's contemporaries.  Only God will remember
them.  And for most of us, time will make history and
fading memory of us far sooner.  After all, how much
do you remember about your great-grandmother?  
Remember us, O God, for good.

love n prayers,
Josachayan/Saudi Arabia
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