Dear all beloved of Jesus,

I am getting lot of mails starting with something like
this "At the outset it self i would like to clarify
something, r u a guy or a gal? i've heard both
versions of u in joynet 
say she others he!!) Whats u're gender dear?".( due
apologies to the sender of this mail).

I am afraid as to what kind of image will all
Joynetter friends will be having about me. Those who
know me well will be thinking after reading all this
kind of mails whether I have undergone a "sex change".

I am very happy that atleast my name is exciting the
curiosity and raising the eyebrows of eligible and
non-eligible bachelors of Joynet.

I won't be surprised even if I get mails asking me for
a date.

But Sorry Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a guy. Fortunately or unfortunately, my parents
gave me the name Biji, which is mostly used for naming
gals in Kerala, without my knowledge. I thought of
changing my name several times but the fear of going
through the elaborate procedure of following Indian
government system for changing my name in all of my
certificates motivated me not to go ahead with this.

So, by God's grace I am happy with my name "Biji"

For any further clarification or doubt clearance in
this regard you can contact me directly through e-mail
to me.

Your' loving (brother),
With love and prayers,
Biji James
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