Dear friends,

Its really been such a long time since I have written.
 I had been just to busy.
The past few days I had been very excited on my new
job.  ( I am now working in a psychiatric hospital-In
a beautiful place, with even beautiful people).
Being in a arab country,, when I first joined here a
few months ago, I had been strictly warned against
speaking about religion or God-especially christianity
to anybody.  And of course, I had been following it
too.   But recently, something nice happened.
We had a nice patient, a kuwaiti national, educated in
the united states, a case of addiction.

And her american background had given her a little
exposure of christianity.  One fine day suddenly she
came upto me and in front of everybody asked me,
“Sister, who do you think killed Christ Jesus?”  I was
really shocked at her question, and my heartbeat
increased as I saw all the other kuwaiti patients and
my eygptian colleagues looking at me expecting for a
reply.  I just kept my mouth shut and tried to walk
off from there when she again said, “why sister, don’t
you want to tell me about it?”  It was a real
challenge, and I was definetely not prepared to risk
my job, by accepting her challenge.  But my guilty
conscience wouldn’t just leave me alone.  Slowly in a
very soft voice I told her
“You know, it was my sins that he was bearing on that
cross that finally killed him—my sins and the sins of
the whole world”  As I was talking, I took her to her
room and told her very briefly about our faith, our
beliefs etc

Just then another kuwaiti patient who had been over
hearing our conversation interupted in between, ‘You
know sister, before coming to this hospital I have
come across only 3 christians in my entire life.  And,
they are also the best 3 people I have ever known. 
And because of my association with them,   I knew when
I saw you, that you were a christian too.  Christians
are really different, I really like them.  
As she was saying this, I was getting even more
nervous and kept on looking in every direction, to see
if anybody else was listening to us.  I t is really
considered as a crime to speak about christianity
here, and here I was with my patients discussing it.

I just thanked my Lord for giving me the oppurtunity
to speak about it ; and wen icame home from duty that
day I was really feeling very much relaxed.;  All the
fears of consequences had suddenly left me and I was
peaceful withen.
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