Dear Friends,
Have a nice day with the Lord.

As false as your words...

Chosroes, the Persian emperor, had against all expectations recovered from his
severe illness. So he called his counsellors together and said: "I should like
to know from you what you expect from me. Do you think I am a good emperor?
Speak the truth without fear. In return I should like to make each of you a
present of a precious stone." One after another the counsellors came forward
with fine words and exaggerated praise. When it was the turn of the wise Elim
he said: "Sire, I would rather be silent, for truth is not to be bought." Then
the emperor declared: "Very well, I shall not give you anything. So, now you
can speak your mind." Then Elim said: "Sire, You want to know what I think. I
think you are human, with many weaknesses and failings, just the same as us.
But your failings weigh much more heavily for the whole people is groaning
under the burden of taxation. I think you are spending too much money on
festivities, building palaces, and above all on making war." When the emperor
heard that he grew thoughtful. Then he had his counsellors given a jewel each
as he had promised. But Elim he named his Prime Minister. The next day the
flatterers came before the emperor. "Sire" said their spokesman, "the dealer
who sold you those jewels ought to be hanged. The stones you gave us are
false." "I know that", retorted the emperor, "They are as false as were your

One Hundred Stories to Change Your Life - Pierre Lefevre

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